The Hanke-Cofnas Gold Sentiment Dial

The Hanke-Cofnas Gold Sentiment Dial provides a unique measure of Hourly Gold Sentiment. The Gold Sentiment Score represented in the Dial is generated by hourly text-mining of key words surfacing on the internet reflecting expectations on gold. Positive dial scores represent a bullish momentum, and negative scores represent a bearish momentum at that hour. However, when scores become extended into extreme ranges below -10 and above +10, they indicate a coming reversal in gold prices.

Membership Options:

Extreme Gold Alerts Package

Extreme Hanke-Cofnas Gold Sentiment Score alerts provide a high-probable reversal indicator. When the Hanke-Cofnas Gold Sentiment Score reaches extreme levels such as +8 and  – 8  ans beyond you will be alerted!

This package includes the 6x a day alerts provided in the Monthly Gold Package

$24.95 Per month

Monthly Gold Package

Pay monthly, cancel anytime. Receive our Hanke-Cofnas Gold Sentiment Score alerts 6X a day to your email.  You will receive our unique hourly Gold Sentiment Scores,at the opening of the Australian, London, Dubai, New York trading sessions and the close of the New York session. These alerts keep you aware of shifts in gold sentiment conditions.

$19.95 Per month